Participating Associations

World PH Day Partners

The initiative of World PH Day is originated from Spain, where a congress was convened in 2012. It became relatively fast obvious that there is a big need for Europe-wide PH specific awareness raising events to give forth the common voice. In the next year, in 2013 a couple of members of the European Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA Europe) joined and marked the World PH Day locally with various events. The number of participants unstoppable grew year-by year and within few years it became a global event.

The following organisations has participated in World PH Day:

This site is managed and maintained by the European Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA Europe).

If you are participating and would like to add your association to this list, please email your association details and event information to or get in contact with us.

For contact information of PH associations around the world, see the list of associations and more information about PH associations in Europe here.